New Orleans Women & Children's Shelter

About this Organization

The New Orleans Women & Children's Shelter (NOWCS) is the largest sheltering organization dedicated to serving the most vulnerable population in Greater New Orleans - children. For 18 years, NOWCS has led the way to break the cycle of homelessness for families, helping them to transition from a life of poverty and homelessness to one of self-sufficiency and stability. Our success rate is remarkable: 98% of our clients stay out of homelessness permanently, a statistic that we attribute to our robust wraparound services and Transition Assistance Program. We have moved into our new home which uniquely suits our needs and allows us to increase our sheltering capacity by 50%. This property contains a great number of layout advantages for our operations, including a large multipurpose center for programming and ensuite bathrooms for residents. With this purchase, we are able to put down roots and fulfill a long-held goal of building equity in the community we serve. All contributions received from GiveNOLA Day will go to the Home at Last Campaign for the New Facility.

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