Lakeview Shepherd Center

About this Organization

The Lakeview Shepherd Center (LSC) is a free nonprofit day center for seniors founded in 1977 and dedicated to providing seniors with resources, programs and connections to enrich their daily lives.
The Lakeview Shepherd Center's home-like setting, offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere where seniors can remain engaged and active through social interactions, strong friendships, arts and craft classes, games, exercise and other activities. Round-trip shuttle service ensures that seniors without their own transportation have access.
The goal for all LSC senior services is to support the elderly in maintaining independence in their homes and maximize their quality of life. Cards, games and ample time for visiting encourage socializing and meeting new friends. Daily meals and snacks serve nutritional needs. Movement classes focus on balance, strength and confidence and promote stress relief and self-care. Art class, computer class, and writing class stimulate creativity and engage and challenge the mind. Monthly, the center serves between 30 and 75 seniors.

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