Child Evangelism Fellowship of Greater New Orleans

About this Organization

Child Evangelism Fellowship® works together with churches, schools, and communities so children are able to hear and understand how to receive Christ and grow in their faith. CEFGNO facilitates churches to Adopt-A-School through CEF's school district approved After School GOOD NEWS CLUB® program. CEFGNO serves to evangelize, disciple children and encourage them (and even their entire family) to attend church. We equip churches to do outreach to children in the community. GOOD NEWS CLUBS meet once a week at local public elementary schools, apartment complexes, recreation centers, from September through April. Personal follow-up to children and their families serves to increase church growth and most importantly continue the growth of God's Kingdom and bring glory to His name. During the summer months, CEFGNO conducts 5-Day Clubs® for children in back yards, community centers, parks and other locations for five consecutive days. Children hear Bible lessons, and a missionary story, and join in exciting games and activities. The Gospel is clearly presented each day. CEFGNO offers a variety of training opportunities locally and on-line to equip volunteers and

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