Atonement Lutheran School

About this Organization

We are passionate about giving students and families personalized attention and care, all while maintaining a superb educational climate and creating memorable experiences for all. Parents are encouraged to volunteer, join us for field trips and attend events such as Fish Fry, Spaghetti Dinner, and more. Each grade level brings with it unique and fun adventures for our students! Our CURRICULUM and course of studies comply with the standards of the State of Louisiana and Atonement's Board of Christian Education. 3 year old Preschool Curriculum: High Reach Learning 4 year old Preschool Curriculum: Saxon Early Learning We offer: Algebra I, (HS Credit) English I (HS Credit), Science I (HS Credit), Art, Physical Education, Technology , Foreign Language (Spanish), Choir and General Music Our students score extremely well on the Stanford Achievement Test. The composite scores consistently place our students above their current grade level. Our graduates are well prepared and go on to be successful at many of the most prestigious High Schools in the Greater New Orleans area.

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